min sookhee

❝ let me show you what you've made me into. ❞

x      name .      sookhee min
x      fandom .      the villainess
x      age .      23-30 ( verse dependant )
x      birthday .      april 14
x      born in .      shanghai, china
x      occupation .      assassin

x      residence .      ??
x      orientation .      bisexual
x      species .      human
x      ethnicity .      korean
x      nicknames .      midnight
x      faceclaim .      lee sung kyung


main verse
7 is too young to lose your entire family ; too young to watch it play out before your eyes, from where you hide beneath the bed. but sookhee doesn't have that luxury of choice for herself. her mother's the first to go, in the kitchen, with her escaping out as her body's left within a pool of red. her father shielding her from the worst of it as he pushes her beneath the bed, left scrambling as she listens to the sound of a whistling tune, the feet of a man from within her slit-narrowed view. down her father goes... watching her as he dies. stay quiet, his gaze told her.
so quiet she stayed. but it wasn't enough, soon dragged out from beneath and sold before she could run. to the kind of people that ought not ever find a child, but, she's spared a worse fate when a man comes through the window to kill the one in the room with her. but in the struggle, she makes a choice, her first kill made to save this stranger, and... who'd have thought? he'd save her life, changing the course of it, forever, when he took her in beneath his wing.to be an assassin is meant to be a privilege, but sookhee, young, talented, deadly, could barely see it as more than a game. she even marries her mister when she's old enough, but what tragedy continues to bite at her heels when the second in command lets her know he's been taken down by a rival gang... what else is a heartbroken girl to do, but run in and slaughter them all with brutal force? caught in the aftermath of the massacre, and put beneath the knife to find herself yet another fate, told that she was pregnant, and, choosing to live for her daughter. eun hye the light of her life... the reason for her being. and why she chose to work for the korean central intelligence agency, despite her better judgement.unbeknownst to her, she marries another agent, playing the part of a stage actress while playing to the whims of the KCIA whenever she was called upon. but it's the discovery of her mister being alive that changes everything. invokes the reality of a revenge that must be met, as he reveals himself not only the killer of her family, but also willing and responsible for the eventual deaths of their daughter, and her new husband. a revenge that, when met, with her mister found at the end of an ax by her hand, was a hollow one indeed. but where was a killer like her to go in the aftermath of such tragedy?to work for herself, of course. taking back her old name, and willing to kill for her own reasons and discretion, for once, sookhee finds herself at the end of a rather hollow life...open road verse
this verse takes place as if sookhee never trained to be an assassin in the first place. she'd move from place to place, nomadic, often working odd jobs and moving on before anybody gets too comfortable with her.
crime verse
would take place after training to be an assassin, but without her moving to work beneath the KCIA. sookhee instead turns to her roots in organised crime, often working as an enforcer within a gang, or running her own outfit.
horror verse
anything that might pertain to horror elements will fit in here! sookhee will still have the elements of her main verse, but this will cover verses such as zombies, supernatural affairs, and more.

main ships

@scftlightz - john jupiter

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